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WASHINGTON (AP) ? High-calorie sports drinks and candy bars will be removed from school vending machines and cafeteria lines as soon as next year, replaced with diet drinks, granola bars and other healthier items.
The Agriculture Department said Thursday that for the first time it will make sure that all foods sold in the nation's 100,000 schools are healthier by expanding fat, calorie, sugar and sodium limits to almost everything sold during the school day.
That includes snacks sold around the school and foods on the "a la carte" line in cafeterias, which never have been regulated before. The new rules, proposed in February and made final this week, also would allow states to regulate student bake sales.
The rules, required under a child nutrition law passed by Congress in 2010, are part of the government's effort to combat childhood obesity. The rules have the potential to transform what many children eat at school.
While some schools already have made improvements in their lunch menus and vending machine choices, others still are selling high-fat, high-calorie foods. Standards put into place at the beginning of the 2012 school year already regulate the nutritional content of free and low-cost school breakfasts and lunches that are subsidized by the federal government. However most lunchrooms also have the "a la carte" lines that sell other foods ? often greasy foods like mozzarella sticks and nachos. Under the rules, those lines could offer healthier pizzas, low-fat hamburgers, fruit cups or yogurt, among other foods that meet the standards.
One of the biggest changes under the rules will be a near-ban on high-calorie sports drinks, which many beverage companies added to school vending machines to replace high-calorie sodas that they pulled in response to criticism from the public health community.
The rule would only allow sales in high schools of sodas and sports drinks that contain 60 calories or less in a 12-ounce serving, banning the highest-calorie versions of those beverages.
Many companies already have developed low-calorie sports drinks ? Gatorade's G2, for example ? and many diet teas and diet sodas are also available for sale.
Elementary and middle schools could sell only water, carbonated water, 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice, and low fat and fat-free milk, including nonfat flavored milks.
First lady Michelle Obama, an advocate for healthy eating and efforts to reduce childhood obesity, pointed out that many working parents don't have control over what their kids eat when they're not at home.
"That's why as a mom myself, I am so excited that schools will now be offering healthier choices to students and reinforcing the work we do at home to help our kids stay healthy," Mrs. Obama said in a statement.
At a congressional hearing, a school nutritionist said Thursday that schools have had difficulty adjusting to the 2012 changes, and the new "a la carte" standards could also be a hardship.
Sandra Ford, president of the School Nutrition Association and director of food and nutrition services for a school district in Bradenton, Fla., said in prepared testimony that the healthier foods have been expensive and participation has declined since the standards went into effect. She also predicted that her school district could lose $975,000 a year under the new "a la carte" guidelines because they would have to eliminate many of the foods they currently sell.
"The new meal pattern requirements have significantly increased the expense of preparing school meals, at a time when food costs were already on the rise," she said.
Ford called on the USDA to permanently do away with the limits on grains and proteins, saying they hampered her school district's ability to serve sandwiches and salads with chicken on top that had proved popular with students.
The Government Accountability Office said it visited eight districts around the country and found that in most districts students were having trouble adjusting to some of the new foods, leading to increased food waste and decreased participation in the school lunch program.
However, the agency said in a report that most students spoke positively about eating healthier foods and predicted they will get used to the changes over time.
One principle of the new rules is not just to cut down on unhealthy foods but to increase the number of healthier foods sold. The standards encourage more whole grains, low-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.
"It's not enough for it to be low in problem nutrients, it also has to provide positive nutritional benefits," says Margo Wootan, a nutrition lobbyist for the Center for Science in the Public Interest who has lobbied for the new rules. "There has to be some food in the food."
The new rules are the latest in a long list of changes designed to make foods served in schools more healthful and accessible. Nutritional guidelines for the subsidized lunches were revised last year and put in place last fall. The 2010 child nutrition law also provided more money for schools to serve free and reduced-cost lunches and required more meals to be served to hungry kids.
Last year's rules making main lunch fare more nutritious faced criticism from some conservatives, including some Republicans in Congress, who said the government shouldn't be telling kids what to eat. Mindful of that backlash, the Agriculture Department left one of the more controversial parts of the rule, the regulation of in-school fundraisers like bake sales, up to the states.
The new guidelines also would not apply to after-school concessions at school games or theater events, goodies brought from home for classroom celebrations, or anything students bring for their own personal consumption.
The USDA so far has shown a willingness to work with schools to resolve complaints that some new requirements are hard to meet. Last year, for example, the government temporarily relaxed some limits on meats and grains in subsidized lunches after school nutritionists said they weren't working.
The food industry has been onboard with many of the changes, and several companies worked with Congress on the child nutrition law three years ago.
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The Senate will vote on a sweeping immigration reform bill on Thursday morning, and a recently hashed-out compromise on border security is expected to win over some conservative support for the measure.
The "Gang of Eight," a bipartisan group of senators who drafted the bill, had hoped to get 70 out of 100 senators to vote to pass the bill and send a strong signal to the Republican-controlled house that the legislation is bipartisan. But on Wednesday, test votes drew only 67 votes each, suggesting the bill might fall short of that goal.
The reform would implement a mandatory, national employment verification system, allow for more legal immigration of low- and high-skilled workers, beef up border security and eventually give green cards to most of the nation's 11 million unauthorized immigrants.
The bill has moved to the right in the Senate on border security, thanks to an amendment adopted last week that will double the number of Border Patrol officers and increase fencing on the southern border by hundreds of miles before any unauthorized immigrants are offered permanent legal status. But House members working on their own version of immigration reform told The Hill this is not enough: They would prefer that no unauthorized immigrant be offered even temporary legal status until all the border security measures in the bill are fully implemented.
Union leaders representing both Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers say they oppose the bill, and groups that seek lower immigration levels have tried to rally members to call and write senators asking them to kill the bill. But so far, the critics of the bill have been outnumbered. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., has worked as a conservative ambassador for the legislation. Rubio will deliver a "closing argument" for immigration reform, highlighting his parents' journey to the United States.
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June 26, 2013 ? The day of the big barbecue arrives and it's time to fire up the grill. But rather than toss the hamburgers and hotdogs haphazardly onto the grate, you wait for the heat to reach an optimal temperature, and then neatly lay them out in their apportioned areas according to size and cooking times. Meanwhile, your friend is preparing the beverages. Cups are grabbed face down from the stack, turned over, and -- using the other hand -- filled with ice.
While these tasks -- like countless, everyday actions -- may seem trivial at first glance, they are actually fairly complex, according to Robrecht van der Wel, an assistant professor of psychology at Rutgers-Camden. "For instance, the observation that you grab a glass differently when you are filling a beverage than when you are stacking glasses suggests that you are thinking about the goal that you want to achieve," he says. "How do you manipulate the glass? How do you coordinate your actions so that the liquid goes into the cup? These kinds of actions are not just our only way to accomplish our intentions, but they reveal our intentions and mental states as well."
van der Wel and his research partners, Marlene Meyer and Sabine Hunnius, turned their attention to how action planning generalizes to collaborative actions performed with others in a study, titled Higher-order planning for individual and joint object manipulations, published recently in Experimental Brain Research.
According to van der Wel, the researchers were especially interested in determining whether people's actions exhibit certain social capabilities when performing multiple-action sequences in concert with a partner. "It is a pretty astonishing ability that we, as people, are able to plan and coordinate our actions with others," says van der Wel. "If people plan ahead for themselves, what happens if they are now in a task where their action might influence another person's comfort? Do they actually take that into account or not, even though, for their personal action, it makes no difference?"
In the research study, participants first completed a series of individual tasks requiring them to pick up a cylindrical object with one hand, pass it to their other hand, and then place it on a shelf. In the collaborative tasks, individuals picked up the object and handed it to their partner, who placed it on the shelf. The researchers varied the height of the shelf, to test whether people altered their grasps to avoid uncomfortable end postures. The object could only be grasped at one of two positions, implying that the first grasp would determine the postures -- and comfort -- of the remaining actions.
According to the researchers, the results from both the individual and joint performances show that participants altered their grasp location relative to the height of the shelf. The participants in both scenarios were thus more likely to use a low-grasp location when the shelf was low, and vice versa. Doing so implied that the participants ended the sequences in comfortable postures. The researchers conclude that, in both individual and collaborative scenarios, participants engaged in extended planning to finish the object-transport sequences in a relatively comfortable posture. Given that participants did plan ahead for the sake of their action partner, it indicates an implicit social awareness that supports collaboration across individuals.
van der Wel notes that, while such basic actions may seem insignificant, it is important to understand how people perform basic tasks such as manipulating objects when considering those populations that aren't able to complete them so efficiently. "How to pick up an object seems like a really trivial problem when you look at healthy adults, but as soon as you look at children, or people suffering from a stroke, it takes some time to develop that skill properly," says van der Wel. "When someone has a stroke, it is not that they have damage to the musculature involved in doing the task; rather, damage to action planning areas in the brain results in an inability to perform simple actions. A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in action planning may guide rehabilitation strategies in such cases."
According to van der Wel, the researchers are currently working on modifying the task to determine the age at which children begin planning their actions with respect to other peoples' comfort. In particular, they want to understand how the development of social action planning links with the development of other cognitive and social abilities.
Marlene Meyer is a Ph.D. candidate at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Sabine Hunnius, Ph.D., is the director of the Baby Research Center at Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
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President Obama unveils his plan on climate change Tuesday at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. The president laid out his plan to reduce carbon pollution and to prepare the country for the impacts of climate change.
Alex Wong/Getty ImagesPresident Obama unveiled a sweeping plan Tuesday designed to deal with climate change. For the first time, carbon emissions from power plants would be regulated. The policy, which can be implemented by the administration without congressional approval, calls for a broad range of actions, including steps to deal with extreme weather events that are already occurring.
It wasn't a coincidence that the president chose to give this speech to a young crowd ? at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. And it may also have been deliberate to give the speech outside, as the temperature hit 92 degrees. The president said he is taking these measures to address climate change to protect the world that these young adults ? and their children ? will inherit.
"As a president, as a father and as an American, I'm here to say, 'We need to act,' " Obama said. "I refuse to condemn your generation and future generations to a planet that's beyond fixing."
And while the president made clear that his national climate action plan wouldn't come close to solving the problem, it's a step in the right direction, he says. First, and most controversially, it calls for the Environmental Protection Agency to develop standards for emissions of carbon dioxide from power plants.
There are already rules to restrict mercury and other toxic emissions from those smokestacks, Obama noted, "but power plants can still dump unlimited amounts of carbon pollution into the air for free. That's not right, that's not safe, and it needs to stop."
His plan would encourage more efficient use of energy, and also lead to a transition toward cleaner sources of power. Obama noted that wind and solar energy supplies doubled during his first term in office.
"The plan I'm announcing today will help us double again our energy from wind and sun," he said. That includes opening up more federal lands so private companies can build wind farms and solar plants there.
? Nobody has a monopoly on what is a very hard problem. But I don't have much patience for anyone who denies that this challenge is real. We don't have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society.
- President Obama, speaking at Georgetown University
A second major element of the plan calls for actions to help the nation cope with weather-related changes that are already taking place. That means preparing farmers to cope better with droughts, and to help local governments be better prepared for weather disasters.
"What we've learned from Hurricane Sandy and other disasters is that we've got to build smarter, more resilient infrastructure that can protect our homes and businesses and withstand more powerful storms," he said.
The final element of the plan is to step up international efforts, including a new climate treaty. Scientists project that carbon dioxide will continue to build up in the atmosphere even as the United States and Europe constrain their emissions. That's because China and India are rapidly pulling hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, and they're burning a lot of fossil fuels in the process.
Obama anticipated resistance to his ideas. Many Republicans in Congress don't even acknowledge climate change as a serious issue. But all the particulars of his program can be implemented without involving Congress. Obama said he also would welcome measures from Capitol Hill if attitudes there were to shift back to the days when the concern about climate change was truly a bipartisan issue.
"Nobody has a monopoly on what is a very hard problem," Obama said. "But I don't have much patience for anyone who denies that this challenge is real. We don't have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society."
Obama also made passing reference to the Keystone XL Pipeline, saying the pipeline from Canada to Texas would only be approved if it does not significantly exacerbate the problem of carbon pollution.
The most controversial element of Obama's new policy is the new set of rules that would limit carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
The Obama plan simply directs the EPA to come up with those emission rules, but doesn't specify what they should be.
Scott Segal, a lawyer at Bracewell & Giuliani, a firm that represents power companies, says that with any policy, "the devil is in the details."
Make the rules too lenient and you don't restrict carbon emissions; make them too onerous, Segal says, and manufacturers might move overseas in search of cheaper power. And if they do that, he says, "the irony is the carbon footprint of the American economy gets worse, not better."
The president anticipated such criticism. It's the same argument industry has made about every clean-air rule, Obama noted, and it has never come to pass.
Frances Beinecke, president of the Natural Resources Defense Council, also sees the control of power plant emissions as the most important element of the president's plan.
"I think it's a major step forward," Beinecke says. She anticipates a fight to make those standards tough enough to make a dent in carbon pollution, but says that's familiar territory for environmental groups like hers.
"Our job is making sure [the standards are] as strong as possible," she says.
A draft of the new regulation is supposed to be ready in a year, and the White House hopes to see a final rule in 2015.
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Carnival Corporation has announced its plan to split the roles of chairman and chief executive officer.?
Present incumbent Micky Arison will continue to serve as chairman of the company, while Arnold Donald, a highly experienced and respected business leader, who has served on the company?s board for the past 12 years, will assume the chief executive from July 3rd.?
Arison became chief executive in 1979.?
At that time the company was privately held and operated three cruise ships under one brand, generating $44 million in revenues and carrying approximately 160,000 passengers a year.?
By 1987, Carnival Cruise Lines had become the world?s largest cruise operator and Arison took the company public.
Working in partnership with current vice chairman and chief operating officer Howard Frank, Arison led the company through an aggressive expansion that included the acquisition of several iconic cruise brands, including Holland America Line, Costa Cruises, Cunard and Seabourn.?
In 2003, a merger between Carnival Corporation and P&O Princess Cruises plc ? comprised of Princess Cruises, P&O Cruises (UK), P&O Cruises (Australia), and German cruise brand AIDA ? was completed, creating the first global cruise operator and one of the largest leisure travel companies in the world.?
In addition, the company undertook an ambitious schedule of new ship introductions. Under Arison?s leadership, Carnival Corporation & plc has grown to more than 100 ships, carrying ten million passengers a year and generating more than $15 billion in annual revenues.
In his role as chairman, Arison will continue to provide board level oversight for the company and will remain the company?s largest shareholder.
Donald will lead the executive team, initially focusing on achieving the company?s long-term strategic goals while working directly with the operating brand executives.?
Frank will continue to serve in his current role as vice chairman and chief operating officer of the company, supporting Donald in working with the corporate level executive team.?
The move has received unanimous approval from the company?s nominating and governance committee as well as the full board of directors.?
?I have been discussing this with the board for some time now and feel the timing is right to align our company with corporate governance best practices and turn over the reins after 34 years as chief executive,? said Arison.?
?Arnold is an exceptional professional with extensive experience in organizational leadership who will bring a fresh perspective to the company.
?I have come to value and rely on his judgment and insight during the 12 years he has served on the company?s board and I am very confident in his ability to move the organization forward,? Arison added.
?As chairman, I will still be working closely with Arnold to ensure a great future for all our stakeholders.?
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By Douwe Miedema
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Tennessee man was charged with attempting to extort $1 million during last year's election by threatening to release former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's tax returns that he falsely claimed he had stolen, the Department of Justice said on Wednesday.
Michael Mancil Brown, 34, was indicted on six counts of wire fraud and six counts of extortion in U.S. District Court in Tennessee, the agency said.
Romney's taxes were a hot political issue last year during the presidential campaign because he refused to release several years of his personal tax returns.
Brown was charged with demanding $1 million worth of the digital currency Bitcoin to hand over tax documents that he said he obtained by gaining access to the computers of accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Brown sent a letter to the offices of PricewaterhouseCoopers in August 2012 to demand the money and invited others wanting the tax documents to transfer $1 million to another Bitcoin account, according to the indictment.
The indictment alleges that Brown delivered similar letters to the Democratic and Republican parties.
(Reporting by Douwe Miedema; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)
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June 25, 2013 ? Researchers at the Cedars-Sinai Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute have uncovered for the first time the vital role a popular protein plays in the stroma, the cell-lined area outside of a prostate tumor.
Researchers have long understood the function of the protein, Caveolin-1 (Cav-1), in prostate cancer, including its role in treatment resistance and disease aggressiveness. However, prior to this study, little was known about the role of Cav-1 within the stroma.
The study, published in the Journal of Pathology, found that a decreased level of the Cav-1 protein in the stroma indicated tumor progression -- a function opposite to the known role of Cav-1 within a tumor. Inside the tumor, an increased level of this protein signifies tumor progression. These human tumor findings suggest that patients whose prostate tumor is surrounded by a stroma with decreased levels of the Cav-1 protein may have an overall worse prognosis and a higher chance of disease relapse.
"How a prostate tumor communicates with its microenvironment, or stroma, is a vital process we need to understand to assess the aggressiveness of a patient's disease and potential response to treatment," said Dolores Di Vizio, MD, PhD, associate professor in the Urologic Oncology Research Program and senior investigator of the study. "This research suggests that the cells surrounding a prostate tumor are equally as important as the tumor itself in helping understand the complexity of a man's disease. This early-stage research may provide a new, future marker that may ultimately aid diagnosis and treatment, and personalize prostate cancer therapy."
In addition to understanding the role of Cav-1 in the tumor microenvironment, researchers discovered that the loss of Cav-1 causes an increase of cholesterol in the stroma. Previous research findings suggest that cholesterol levels are related to aggressive prostate cancer, but cholesterol's role had never been evaluated within the stroma.
"Cholesterol has been shown to be a driver of prostate cancer progression," said Di Vizio. "For the first time in prostate cancer research, we found that when levels of Cav-1 decrease in the stroma, both cholesterol and androgens increase. This finding may partly explain a resistance to traditional treatments."
Though the findings are preliminary, the Cedars-Sinai researchers Di Vizio, Michael Freeman, PhD, vice chair of research in the Department of Surgery and professor/director of the Cancer Biology Program at the Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute, and post-doctoral fellows Matteo Morello, PhD, and Sungyong You, PhD, will continue evaluating the role of the Caveolin-1 protein in the stroma and its potential end benefit in patients.
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Randee Dawn TODAY contributor
4 hours ago
It's never a dull moment with Sandra Bullock in the TODAY studio, and an interview that aired Tuesday was no exception as the actress discussed her new film "The Heat" (with Melissa McCarthy).
But before getting to "The Heat," Bullock recalled her last visit to the show in 2011 when she was on to talk with Matt Lauer about her film "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close."
What ensued was a goofy banter worthy of, well, a Bullock comedy:
"We were here for 'Extremely Loud,'" she reminded him.
"That's right, I do remember that," he said.
"But apparently, I got very upset with you, and then you sent me flowers to apologize," she said, and put on a sassy tone: "I got no flowers."
"I didn't know you were upset with me," said Lauer.
"I didn't either, but apparently you sent flowers," she said.
"Is that what they wrote about us?" he asked. "Do we have a feud?"
"Can I just get some flowers, just for the heck of it, before this weekend?" she asked.
Which led Lauer to bounce up and try to retrieve a large potted flower arrangement over by the windows. A gentlemanly gesture, but unfortunately he splashed water on himself and gave up.
"That is amazing, thank you so much!" gushed Bullock.
The fact is, it seems hard to get the Oscar-winning actress riled up; after all, she's now promoting an R-rated comedy that's full of "F-bombs," as she put it.
"I let loose," she admitted. But is she like that in real life? "Are you joking me? All the time."
Still, whatever might come out of Bullock's mouth in the film, it's nothing compared to what McCarthy said. "She opens her mouth and you have no idea what offensive and hurtful things are going to come out of it about you personally," said Bullock, very subtly tongue-in-cheek.
"Do not lump me in with that sailor potty mouth Melissa McCarthy," she added.
No chance, and just in case an offense was being taken, one of the crew walked on set with another, more portable bouquet of flowers for Bullock. "Now," she asked, "who's got the jewelry?"
"The Heat" opens in theaters on June 28.
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It's back! Yes, what you're looking at above is the Start button (plus matching options) that's been rumored to return with Windows 8.1 (formerly "Blue"). Yesterday .NET developer Robert McLaws tweeted a series of screenshots of Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview (build 9431) which show the new Start button and a revised "Taskbar and Navigation properties" dialog -- among other things. Microsoft faced massive criticism last year after shipping Windows 8 without the Start button -- prompting third parties to create replacements (like Start8 and Classic Shell) -- so this is a welcome change. Stay tuned for Build 2013 (the company's developer conference) which starts Wednesday in San Francisco -- we're likely to find out more about Windows 8.1 and the Start button in short order.
Filed under: Software, Microsoft
Via: WinBeta
Source: Robert McLaws (Twitter)
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June 24, 2013 ? How is it that a complex organism evolves from a pile of dead matter? How can lifeless materials become organic molecules that are the bricks of animals and plants? Scientists have been trying to answer these questions for ages. Researchers at the Max Planck Institut f?r Kohlenforschung have now disclosed the secret of a reaction that has to do with the synthesis of complex organic matter before the origin of life.
Since the 1960's it has been well known that when concentrated hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is irradiated by UV light, it forms an imidazole intermediate that is a key substance for synthesis of nucleobases and nucleotides in abiotic environment. The way how UV radiation acts in this reaction to produce complex organic matter was, however, never clarified. Dr. Mario Barbatti and his colleagues in Germany, India and Czech Republic have now shown how this process occurs via computer simulations.
Using diverse computational-chemistry methods, the team has arrived at astonishing conclusions: For example that the reaction does not take place in the hot spot created by the solar radiation. "This has nothing to do with heat, but with electrons," says Mario Barbatti.
The reaction proceeds through a series of electronically excited intermediates. The molecules get into the "electronic excited state" because of the UV radiation, which means that their electrons are distributed in a much different way than the usual. That changes the molecule's attitudes. "But this takes some time," says Mario Barbatti. They showed that the radiation energy is dissipated too fast, and because of that each reactant molecule absorbs hundreds of UV photons before it finally gets converted into the imidazole intermediate.
"This is very inefficient -- and quite extraordinary," says Mario Barbatti. That is why it was quite challenging to comprehend the reaction, explains the physicist from Brazil. He and his colleagues have calculated a lot of possible intermediates, tried -- and discarded most of them. Finally they found out that there is only one single pathway that is consistent with the fast energy dissipation and previous experimental observations.
But why did they work on the computer? Isn't it the case that chemical reactions are worked on in laboratories? "Some intermediates are too elusive to analyze them in the laboratory -- they disappear before we may see them," Barbatti explains. Computational Chemistry allows the scientists to comprehend the reactions in a theoretical way.
"As I said before, this reaction has nothing to do with heat," says Barbatti. The transformation works in a cold environment, as in comets and in terrestrial ices, where spontaneous HCN polymerization is most expected to occur.
The team has published their results, which help to understand the role of solar radiation on the origin of life, in the recent issue of Angewandte Chemie.
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By Ronnie Cohen and Sharon Bernstein
(Reuters) - The Reverend Paul Mowry, a minister at the Sausalito Presbyterian Church near San Francisco, awoke at 6:30 a.m. Monday, hoping it would be the day the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling that would allow him to marry Joe Silverman, his companion of 27 years.
But despite widespread expectations, the court put off releasing its opinions on two key same-sex marriage cases until later this week, leaving Mowry and his partner to wait that much longer.
"It just ratchets up my anxiety and anticipation," Mowry, 51, told Reuters, perched with his laptop on his living room couch after scanning the SCOTUSblog website, a popular online outlet for high-court watchers, without finding a ruling.
Like many gay and lesbian couples, he and Silverman have been watching the Supreme Court keenly since the justices began releasing opinions at the beginning of this month.
Their adopted daughter, Ellie, who is 6, wiped sleep from her eyes as she walked down the stairs from her bedroom into the living room and sat between her two fathers on the couch.
They were still waiting, Mowry told her, to find out whether they could marry.
Erin Lindsay, who works in information technology at the California Institute of Technology, said she figured all along that the high court rulings would come down at the very last moment - possibly not until the end of this week.
Even so, she stayed up until the wee hours Monday morning perfecting a personalized version of the mathematical "equal" sign - used by many to signify support of same-sex marriage - for her Facebook page, just in case.
"The top part of the equal sign is a picture from our wedding and the bottom is a picture of my two girls," said Lindsay, who lives in the Los Angeles suburb of Sierra Madre.
Lindsay and her partner were among some 18,000 same-sex California couples legally wed between May 2008, when the state Supreme Court opened the doors to gay marriage, and November of that year, when voters passed Proposition 8 outlawing it.
But as is the case for many gay and lesbian couples married during that six-month window, Lindsay and her wife remain ineligible under the federal Defense of Marriage Act for some federal benefits that have long been afforded to heterosexual spouses.
The Supreme Court has been reviewing challenges to both California's Prop 8 and the nationwide restrictions placed on same-sex couples under the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA.
(Editing by Steve Gorman and Lisa Shumaker)
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FILE - In this Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012 file photo, Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani arrives for corner-stone laying ceremony of a Qatari funded rehabilitation center in Gaza City. Qatar?s emir moves to hand power over to his son, aiming to bring a youthful new face to rule in a tiny Gulf nation that has become one of the most powerful in the Middle East, aggressively spreading its influence through cash. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa, File)
FILE - In this Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012 file photo, Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani arrives for corner-stone laying ceremony of a Qatari funded rehabilitation center in Gaza City. Qatar?s emir moves to hand power over to his son, aiming to bring a youthful new face to rule in a tiny Gulf nation that has become one of the most powerful in the Middle East, aggressively spreading its influence through cash. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa, File)
FILE - In this Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012 file photo, Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani arrives for corner-stone laying ceremony of a Qatari funded rehabilitation center in Gaza City. Qatar?s emir moves to hand power over to his son, aiming to bring a youthful new face to rule in a tiny Gulf nation that has become one of the most powerful in the Middle East, aggressively spreading its influence through cash. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa, File)
FILE - In this Tuesday, March 26, 2013 file photo, Emir of Qatar Sheik Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, center, attends the opening session of the Arab League Summit in Doha. Qatar?s emir moves to hand power over to his son, aiming to bring a youthful new face to rule in a tiny Gulf nation that has become one of the most powerful in the Middle East, aggressively spreading its influence through cash. (AP Photo/Ghiath Mohamad, File)
DOHA, Qatar (AP) ? Qatar's ruler said Tuesday he has transferred power to the 33-year-old crown prince in an anticipated move that puts a new generation in charge of the Gulf nation's vast energy wealth and rising political influence.
The 61-year-old emir, Sheik Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, said in a televised address that the decision has been made to step down following weeks of speculation. Now, the British-educated crown prince, Sheik Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, will begin the process of putting together a new government that may be in direct contrast to the old guard leaders across the Western-backed Gulf Arab states.
Qatar has given no official explanation on the transition, but it is widely believed that Sheik Hamad is suffering from health problems.
Sheik Tamim is not expected to make any immediate policy shifts for Qatar, which has used its riches to propel itself into one of the world's most politically ambitious countries. It has served as a powerful player in the Middle East, including key support for rebels in Libya last year and now in Syria. Qatar also has broken ranks with other Gulf states to offer help to the Muslim Brotherhood, which rose to political dominance in Egypt.
In an important sign of continuity and shared goals, the outgoing emir and Sheik Tamim stood shoulder to shoulder and greeted members of the ruling family and others following the address. Sheik Tamim has been closely involved in all key decisions in recent years and his father is expected to remain a guiding force from the wings.
"Sheik Tamim will be driving his father's car, which is already programed on where to go," said Mustafa Alani, a political analyst at the Gulf Research Center in Geneva.
But the transition ? a rarity in a region where leadership changes are nearly always triggered by deaths or palace coups ? also sends a message the wider Middle East. It appears a sweeping response to the Arab Spring upheavals and their emphasis on giving voice to the region's youth, and reinforces Qatar's bold-stroke political policies.
Under Sheik Hamad, who took power in a bloodless coup in 1995, Qatar has been transformed into a political broker and a center for global investment with a sovereign fund estimated to be worth more than $100 billion. Its portfolio includes landmark real estate, luxury brands and a powerful presence in the sporting world. Tiny Qatar also defeated rivals including the U.S. to win the rights to host the 2022 World Cup.
Qatar has played a role as mediator in conflicts such as Sudan's Darfur region and regional disputes including Palestinian political rifts. Qatar this week hosted a Syrian opposition conference attended by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and is the venue for possible U.S.-led peace talks with Afghanistan's Taliban.
Sheik Tamim became the next in line to rule in 2003 after his older brother stepped aside.
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MOSCOW (AP) ? A former National Security Agency contractor wanted by the United States for revealing highly classified surveillance programs has been allowed to leave for a "third country" because a U.S. extradition request did not fully comply with Hong Kong law, the territory's government said Sunday.
An Aeroflot flight from Hong Kong believed to be carrying Edward Snowden landed in Moscow. Russia's state ITAR-Tass news agency cited an unnamed Aeroflot airline official as saying Snowden was on Flight SU213, which landed on Sunday afternoon in Moscow. The report said he intended to fly to Cuba on Monday and then on to Caracas, Venezuela.
Snowden had been in hiding in Hong Kong for several weeks since he revealed information on the highly classified spy programs. The WikiLeaks anti-secrecy group said it was working with him and he was bound for an unnamed "democratic nation via a safe route for the purpose of asylum."
The White House had no immediate comment about the departure, which came a day after the United States made a formal request for his extradition and gave a pointed warning to Hong Kong against delaying the process of returning him to face trial in the U.S.
The Department of Justice said only that it would "continue to discuss this matter with Hong Kong and pursue relevant law enforcement cooperation with other countries where Mr. Snowden may be attempting to travel."
The Hong Kong government said in a statement that Snowden left "on his own accord for a third country through a lawful and normal channel."
It acknowledged the U.S. extradition request, but said U.S. documentation did not "fully comply with the legal requirements under Hong Kong law." It said additional information was requested from Washington, but since the Hong Kong government "has yet to have sufficient information to process the request for provisional warrant of arrest, there is no legal basis to restrict Mr. Snowden from leaving Hong Kong."
The statement said Hong Kong had informed the U.S. of Snowden's departure. It added that it wanted more information about alleged hacking of computer systems in Hong Kong by U.S. government agencies which Snowden had revealed.
The signal that Hong Kong had let Snowden go on a technicality appears to be a pragmatic decision aimed at avoiding a drawn out extradition battle. The move swiftly eliminates a geopolitical headache that could have left it facing pressure from both Washington and Beijing.
Hong Kong, a former British colony, has a high degree of autonomy and is granted rights and freedoms not seen on mainland China, but under the city's mini constitution Beijing is allowed to intervene in matters involving defense and diplomatic affairs.
Hong Kong has an extradition treaty with the U.S., but the document has some exceptions, including for crimes deemed political.
Russian officials have given no indication that they have any interest in detaining Snowden or any grounds to do so. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that Russia would be willing to consider granting asylum if Snowden were to make such a request.
Russia and the United States have no extradition treaty that would oblige Russia to hand over a U.S. citizen at Washington's request.
WikiLeaks said it was providing legal help to Snowden at his request and that he was being escorted by diplomats and legal advisors from the group. Its founder, Julian Assange, who has spent a year inside the Ecuadorean Embassy in London to avoid extradition to Sweden to face questioning about sex crime allegations, told the Sydney Morning Herald that his organization is in a position to help because it has expertise in international asylum and extradition law.
The Cuban government had no comment on Snowden's movements or reports he might use Havana as a transit point.
The Obama administration on Saturday warned Hong Kong against delaying Snowden's extradition, with White House national security adviser Tom Donilon saying in an interview with CBS News, "Hong Kong has been a historically good partner of the United States in law enforcement matters, and we expect them to comply with the treaty in this case."
Michael Ratner, Assange's lawyer, said he didn't know Snowden's final destination, but said his options were not numerous.
"You have to have a country that's going to stand up to the United States," Ratner said. "You're not talking about a huge range of countries here."
Ratner said a country's extradition treaty with the U.S. is "not going to be relevant" because the country he ends up going to will likely be one willing to give him a political exemption.
Snowden's departure came as the South China Morning Post released new allegations from Snowden that U.S. hacking targets in China included the nation's cellphone companies and two universities hosting extensive Internet traffic hubs.
He told the newspaper that "the NSA does all kinds of things like hack Chinese cellphone companies to steal all of your SMS data." It added that Snowden said he had documents to support the hacking allegations, but the report did not identify the documents. It said he spoke to the newspaper in a June 12 interview.
With a population of more than 1.3 billion, China has massive cellphone companies. China Mobile is the world's largest mobile network carrier with 735 million subscribers, followed by China Unicom with 258 million users and China Telecom with 172 million users.
Snowden said Tsinghua University in Beijing and Chinese University in Hong Kong, home of some of the country's major Internet traffic hubs, were targets of extensive hacking by U.S. spies this year. He said the NSA was focusing on so-called "network backbones" in China, through which enormous amounts of Internet data passes.
The Chinese government has not commented on the extradition request and Snowden's departure, but its state-run media have used Snowden's allegations to poke back at Washington after the U.S. had spent the past several months pressuring China on its international spying operations.
A commentary published Sunday by the official Xinhua News Agency said Snowden's disclosures of U.S. spying activities in China have "put Washington in a really awkward situation."
"Washington should come clean about its record first. It owes ... an explanation to China and other countries it has allegedly spied on," it said. "It has to share with the world the range, extent and intent of its clandestine hacking programs."
Chan reported from Hong Kong. Sylvia Hui in London, Paul Haven in Havana, and Anne Flaherty and Julie Pace in Washington contributed to this report.
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Even if he anticipated the risks involved in turning whisteblower, Edward Snowden can't have imagined the rushed, convoluted journey he'd have to take to avoid the full wrath of the US government. First to Hong Kong; most recently to Moscow, and perhaps soon to Ecuador (via Cuba and Venezuela) where he has apparently made an official request for asylum. Strongly worded extradition requests have followed every step of the way, with the White House National Security Council expressing "disappointment" that Hong Kong allowed Snowden to flee and now urging Russia to "expel Mr. Snowden back to the US to face justice for the crimes with which he is charged." In an effort to help the fugitive navigate the maze of diplomatic fault lines, WikiLeaks has stepped up to say that its own legal advisors are "escorting" Snowden towards his final destination, likely making use of the knowledge they gained while protecting Julian Assange, and that its sees US efforts to arrest him as an "assault against the people."
Filed under: Internet
Source: WikiLeaks, CBS News, @RicardoPatinoEC (Twitter)
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By G?rard Bon and Alexandria Sage
PARIS (Reuters) - French police questioned flamboyant tycoon Bernard Tapie on Monday in a fraud investigation that threatens to damage ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy's hopes of a political comeback.
Tapie, a member of France's business and sporting elite, says he has nothing to hide in the affair which has embroiled members of Sarkozy's cabinet, including IMF chief Christine Lagarde, his former finance minister.
While both Sarkozy and Lagarde deny wrongdoing, the case is one more legal headache for the former president whose supporters would like to see run for the top job again to rescue his divided conservative party.
The investigation is into whether a 285 million euro ($374 million) financial award that Tapie won in 2008 was a result of political influence.
"I'm not worried about the merits of the case," said 70-year-old Tapie, who served as a minister in Socialist President Francois Mitterrand's government in the 1980s, but moved to the right and backed Sarkozy at the 2007 election.
"I'm wondering what they could possibly find," he told Europe 1 radio shortly before being taken in for questioning by police specialized in financial crime.
Tapie alleged that the now-defunct bank Credit Lyonnais defrauded him by purchasing his interest in sports clothing company Adidas in 1993 for 315.5 million euros only to sell it a year later for 701 million euros.
Investigators are trying to determine whether the close ties between Tapie and members of Sarkozy's inner circle influenced the government's decision in 2007 to turn to a private arbitration tribunal to settle the long-running dispute.
The arbitration went in Tapie's favor with an award which, including interest, amounted to 403 million euros.
Under French law, Tapie - the owner of a regional newspaper chain whose has raced cars, dabbled in acting and bought cycling and soccer teams - could be kept in police custody for as long as 96 hours as he is questioned on suspicion of organized fraud.
Socialist President Francois Hollande, who came to power just over a year ago vowing to rid France of what he said were unfair advantages accorded to the elite under Sarkozy, has said he wants to get to the bottom of the arbitration affair.
He has continued to back Lagarde and the chief executive of France Telecom, Stephane Richard, both of whom have been caught up in the scandal.
Although Lagarde was not placed under formal investigation - a step meaning that "serious or consistent evidence" points to probable implication in a crime, Richard - her former aide - was.
Richard has denied any wrongdoing and plans to appeal the decision.
The investigation of Richard for conspiracy to commit fraud increases the likelihood of a trial that could further tarnish the image of the conservative party, which lost power last year with Sarkozy's defeat to Hollande.
Sarkozy is already distracted by two other legal tangles, one a campaign funding scandal involving France's richest woman; the other involving possible kickbacks for submarine sales to Pakistan in the 1990s when Sarkozy was a government minister.
Hollande's own government has not been immune to scandal. In April, the budget minister quit after it was revealed that he had a Swiss bank account after telling parliament he did not.
($1 = 0.7612 euros)
(Writing By Alexandria Sage; Editing by Mark John and Robin Pomeroy)
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Contact: Daniel Parry
Naval Research Laboratory
WASHINGTON--The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Marine Meteorology Division and Space Science Division have been awarded the Department of the Navy Acquisition Excellence Technology Transition Award presented by Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition, Sean J. Stackley, May 14, 2013.
Recognizing individuals and teams for outstanding contributions in promoting competition and innovation in the Navy and Marine Corps acquisition process, the NRL team receives the award for a new generation atmospheric global prediction system.
The Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM) is a high-resolution global weather prediction system representing a significant milestone in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) system development introducing a semi-Lagrangian/semi-implicit (SL/SI) dynamical core with advanced moisture and ozone physical parameterization schemes.
"The greatest improvement is in the use of this new SL/SI method that enables the high-resolution needed for modern NWP systems while it still meets the operational scheduling requirement '" said Dr. Melinda Peng, head, Atmospheric Dynamics and Prediction Branch and NAVGEM team lead. "This results in the most significant Navy global numerical weather prediction advancement over the past 20 years."
The SL method is to find the trajectory of the fluid motion that starts at the previous time step and ends up at the NAVGEM grid point location. The SL integration removes the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) limitation, required in the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS), using the conventional Eulerian integration of the dynamical equations. The remaining issue of high-speed gravity waves in the wind divergence is mitigated by incorporating a SI method into the SL integration, where the terms responsible for the gravity waves are identified and treated in an implicit manner and rendering small time steps unnecessary.
Replacing the existing NOGAPS, introduced in 1982, NAVGEM allows for much higher model resolutions and excludes the need for small time steps (Currently, NAVGEM allows for 50 vertical levels in place of the 42 levels in NOGAPS and an increase of horizontal resolution from 42 kilometers to 37 kilometers.) to include cloud liquid water, cloud ice water, and ozone as fully predicted constituents.
NAVGEM contains new moisture, solar radiation and longwave-radiation parameterizations and upgrad1es to the data assimilation component to complete the 180-hour forecast in the allotted operation window.
NAVGEM was delivered to the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) on September 30, 2012, and entered official operation in March 2013. NAVGEM is part of the global modeling 'bridging strategy' where the Navy and the National Weather Service (NWS) jointly develop a national global forecasting system named Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC) that will be fielded in the 2020 timeframe.
The Office of Naval Research (ONR), Oceanographer of the Navy (OPNAV N2N6E) and Department of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition Program Executive Officer (PEO-C4I/PMW-120) provided funding for NAVGEM development.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Daniel Parry
Naval Research Laboratory
WASHINGTON--The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Marine Meteorology Division and Space Science Division have been awarded the Department of the Navy Acquisition Excellence Technology Transition Award presented by Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition, Sean J. Stackley, May 14, 2013.
Recognizing individuals and teams for outstanding contributions in promoting competition and innovation in the Navy and Marine Corps acquisition process, the NRL team receives the award for a new generation atmospheric global prediction system.
The Navy Global Environmental Model (NAVGEM) is a high-resolution global weather prediction system representing a significant milestone in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) system development introducing a semi-Lagrangian/semi-implicit (SL/SI) dynamical core with advanced moisture and ozone physical parameterization schemes.
"The greatest improvement is in the use of this new SL/SI method that enables the high-resolution needed for modern NWP systems while it still meets the operational scheduling requirement '" said Dr. Melinda Peng, head, Atmospheric Dynamics and Prediction Branch and NAVGEM team lead. "This results in the most significant Navy global numerical weather prediction advancement over the past 20 years."
The SL method is to find the trajectory of the fluid motion that starts at the previous time step and ends up at the NAVGEM grid point location. The SL integration removes the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) limitation, required in the Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS), using the conventional Eulerian integration of the dynamical equations. The remaining issue of high-speed gravity waves in the wind divergence is mitigated by incorporating a SI method into the SL integration, where the terms responsible for the gravity waves are identified and treated in an implicit manner and rendering small time steps unnecessary.
Replacing the existing NOGAPS, introduced in 1982, NAVGEM allows for much higher model resolutions and excludes the need for small time steps (Currently, NAVGEM allows for 50 vertical levels in place of the 42 levels in NOGAPS and an increase of horizontal resolution from 42 kilometers to 37 kilometers.) to include cloud liquid water, cloud ice water, and ozone as fully predicted constituents.
NAVGEM contains new moisture, solar radiation and longwave-radiation parameterizations and upgrad1es to the data assimilation component to complete the 180-hour forecast in the allotted operation window.
NAVGEM was delivered to the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) on September 30, 2012, and entered official operation in March 2013. NAVGEM is part of the global modeling 'bridging strategy' where the Navy and the National Weather Service (NWS) jointly develop a national global forecasting system named Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC) that will be fielded in the 2020 timeframe.
The Office of Naval Research (ONR), Oceanographer of the Navy (OPNAV N2N6E) and Department of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition Program Executive Officer (PEO-C4I/PMW-120) provided funding for NAVGEM development.
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Biologically inspired robots travel ? naturally
By Sharon Oosthoek
Web edition: June 21, 2013
Do the locomotion
A robot built to mimic the movements of a shark relative, the cownose ray, takes a dip.
Credit: Norm Shafer
Meet three researchers who study animal locomotion. Each of the critters they work with has perfected a style of movement over millions of years. Their moves have inspired these engineers to build robots that can do important and useful jobs ? ones that people can?t do. Known as biomimicry,?it's the design of new technologies based on nature.
Visit the new?Science News for Kids?website and read the full story:??Cool Jobs ? Moved by life
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