Saturday, 11 May 2013

Inuit children more likely to end up in foster care ... - Nunatsiaq News

NEWS: Around the Arctic?May 09, 2013 - 11:10 am NUNATSIAQ NEWS

Inuit children are more than eight times as likely to live in foster care than non-Aboriginal Canadian children under 14, according to statistics released May 8.

Some 570 Inuit children or 2.8 per cent are in foster care, says Statistics Canada data released May 8, in comparison to 0.3 per cent of non-Aboriginal children.

Overall, almost half of the children under 14 in foster care in Canada are Aboriginal, StatsCan?s National Household Survey shows.

The survey data says there were more than 20,100 Inuit children aged 14 and under in Canada.

Of these, 570 Inuit children or 2.8 per cent were foster children.

According to previous Nunatsiaq News reports, about 300 Nunavut children are living with foster families, with 60 are living in other territories and provinces.

In Nunavik, more than 200 children are in foster care, some in the South.

The StatsCan data released May 8 also showed:

? about six in 10 Inuit children, 62 per cent, or 12,415 children, lived in a family with both of their parents;

? one in four, 26 per cent,or 5,200 children, lived in a single-parent family;

? the other 6.3 per cent, or 1,280 children, lived in a stepfamily as stepchildren;

? almost 470 Inuit children lived in skip-generation families, with one or both grandparents where no parents were present; and,

? 10.7 per cent of Inuit children, or 2,165, lived in multi-generational families with their parents and grandparents.

The survey also contained information about how many Inuit speak an Inuit language and where Inuit in Canada live.


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